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Gauge views to improve company loyalty

To understand and quantify opinion of your customers, suppliers or your employees, Gold Star Analysis devises tailor-made surveys and conducts interviews to gauge people’s feelings and experiences... it is where we measure the feedback, putting perspective on subjective opinion to measure objectively!

Involvement of your customers and staff directly in the process of evolving quality and services contributes to success when changes are implemented. We use strategies to quantify and compare opinion to ensure that both the best ideas and the view of the majority is known.

Surveys may be a simple two minute snapshot or may be designed to cover a more complex range of questions. Gold Star Analysis works with you to ensure the message of the questionnaire is appropriate and aligned to ways in which your organisation can change to improve. Careful consideration of question wording and format contributes to optimising the success of a survey.

Surveys are tested by Gold Star Analysis then by a test client user group to perfect the user experience and maximise information collection.

We dispatch surveys within an agreed timeframe to the target audience to optimise response rates then the completed surveys are monitored by us to ensure successful data collection.

When the results are in and survey has closed, Gold Star Analysis formats the responses to provide graphical and written analyses, summaries or the complete feedback, presentations or pdfs! The choice is yours and we enjoy presenting meaningful information in a way that suits your audience.